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FIND YOUR DOG’S TOP TOY PICKS: Take the Toy Quest Quiz
Beat Indecision | Take the Toy Quest Quiz

Lesson 7: How To Choose The Perfect Toy

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There’s nothing more frustrating than splashing out on a new toy for your dog, only for them to turn their nose up at it – or to watch it fall to bits after just one play session. We totally get it. 

Right from the very start, we’ve been on a mission to create dog training toys that are super motivational AND durable. 

We understand that before you spend your hard-earned cash on a training toy, you want to know it’s right for your dog - so we’ve worked super hard to come up with a super smart way to offer every dog owner personalised toy recommendations.

It’s called the Play Pawsonality Quiz. All you have to do is answer five easy questions about your dog. We analyse your answers and provide you with recommendations for toys we know your dog will love. We’ll also send you a free personalised Play Plan, packed with information about your dog’s play personality and unmissable tips that will help you smash your training goals. 

Take the quiz here.

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