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FIND YOUR DOG’S TOP TOY PICKS: Take the Toy Quest Quiz
Beat Indecision | Take the Toy Quest Quiz

Dog Games Unwrapped:

Unleash The Power of Play

The benefits of play with our dogs are huge. Play has the power to boost bonds, lift spirits, relieve stress, and it’s a surefire way to make training more fun. From teaching recall and building impulse control to boosting your bond and providing mental stimulation, play with Tug-E-Nuff toys tick every box.

Unlock the secrets to successfully using play in your training, playing and bonding time.

Play game 1

4 Games

​​Don't have time right now or want to save these?

Get our Dog Games Ebook packed with 7 super fun games your dog will love sent straight to your inbox - for free!

  • Get set to play Toy Switch
    This is the ultimate game for teaching your dog a leave command - and it’s a great way to build value in your special training toys while listening to you.
  • Get set to play Recall Relay!
    This fun game will take your recall skills up a gear so you can teach your dog to come when called (even when very exciting things are happening!)
  • Get set to play Tug-E-Nuff Time Trials!
    This fun dog game teaches your dog patience and impulse control by chaining tasks together to beat their personal best. Let’s play!
  • Get set to play Tug on Cue
    This impulse control game teaches your dog that the fun starts on your cue! It’s especially helpful for excitable dogs or dogs who struggle to focus!
  • Games for dogs: Calm Clam (stop your dog jumping up)

    If your dog jumps all over visitors or you, this game is a great way to calm your pup down and teach them to keep all four paws on the floor. 

  • 🧟 Monster Chase 🧟
    Dress up as a "monster" or wear a fun Halloween costume or mask, and entice your dog to chase their tuggy. Your dog’s job is to “defeat” the monster by grabbing the tuggy and playing a round of tug-of-war. This game gives a Halloween twist to the chase and play behavior dogs love and it’s a great opportunity to grow your dog’s confidence around novel or spooky things!
  • 🕷️Tug or Treat! 🕷️
    Set up two options for your dog – a treat on one side and a squeaky tuggy on the other. Ask your dog to “choose” between the two. If they choose the tuggy, they’re rewarded with a squeaky game of tug before snaffling up the treat! If they choose the treat, they enjoy their snack and then play tuggy afterwards. It’s a fun play on the classic "trick or treat" game with no pressure - encouraging choice and interaction with your pooch.
  • 🎃 Pumpkin Patch Hunt 🎃
    Hide your chosen ‘pumpkins’ (toys) in a pile of leaves or behind objects in the house if you’d rather… and let your dog sniff them out! This is a scentwork-inspired game that mimics a pumpkin patch hunt. Once your dog finds the pumpkin, reward them with a game of fetch or tug! Brownie points for decorating your toy with spooky eyes to add extra howl factor! 
  • episode 9

    Hide & Seek

    Hide & Seek

    Get ready to play Hide & Seek with your dog! This fun game strengthens your bond with your dog while improving their recall skills.