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FIND YOUR DOG’S TOP TOY PICKS: Take the Toy Quest Quiz
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Lesson 3: Boost Recall Using Your Tug Toy

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The secret to a solid recall is to be more exciting to your dog than the environment you're in (which includes any distractions!). 

Treats alone aren’t enough

Treats are a good first port of call, but often aren’t enough on their own. The best option is to use both food and your tug toy as high value recall rewards. This combination is effective because it adds novelty and stops the reward from becoming predictable.

When teaching recall, start at home. Call your dog using their name and your chosen recall command word and when they come to you, quickly offer a play with their Tug-E-Nuff toy. Your enthusiasm, as always, is key. 

Add in distractions

As your dog’s confidence builds, slowly add in distractions (for instance, different rooms of the house or in the garden) before practising out on walks. 

While your recall is still a work in progress, we recommend using a harness and long line. 

Chelsea’s top recall tip is to practice recall at random intervals on walks - otherwise your dog will quickly learn that being called means the fun is over and it's time to go home. Instead, call them to you, offer the reward of a play with their Tug-E-Nuff toy, clip on their lead for a few seconds - and then let them go again. This really makes all the difference. 

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  • Pocket Fauxtastic Tug


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