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Five Things To Buy And Do Before You Get a New Puppy

Getting a new puppy has got to be one of the most exciting things you can do and bringing home your new family member for the first time marks the start of a new and wonderful chapter in your life. 

No doubt you’ll have done lots of research and thought carefully before picking your puppy, but there’s also some preparation work to do before your new pup arrives.

Here are five essential things to buy and do before the big day...

  1. Stock up on food

It goes without saying that your puppy will need to eat, but it’s not as straightforward as picking up a few cans of food from the supermarket on the morning your puppy is due to come home.

Feeding your dog a healthy, balanced diet from the word go is one of the best choices you can make to give he or she the best possible start in life.

Do your research on the different types of food and diets available and make an informed decision about the best food for your dog. 

  1. Invest in top quality toys 

At Tug-E-Nuff Dog Gear, we consider ourselves experts when it comes to creating toys that all dogs simply find irresistible. We know the importance of introducing play from an early age, and how it can greatly benefit puppy training.

Whether it’s one of our classic tug toys like the Bungee Handled Fleece Tug, our ever popular food-based toys like The Clam or a toy with real fur to tap into your dog’s deepest instincts, we have something in our range to suit every puppy.

A good collection of dog training toys is worth investing in from the start. 

  1. Select your grooming tools

Different breeds of dogs require different levels of grooming. Some breeds, like poodles or bichon frises, will require regular appointments at a professional groomers to stop their curly coats growing out of control.

Other breeds, including collies and retrievers, can be successfully groomed at home – but it’s important you have the right equipment. Your kit should include a comb, a bristled brush, a slicker metal brush and a pair of nail clippers.

  1. Pick a dog trainer

One of the cutest things about a new puppy is their boundless energy – but it’s important to direct this energy into positive behaviours from a young age. 

Some of the most common behavioural issues in dogs can be avoided by attending dog training classes and working on training from day one.

It’s important to do your research and think carefully before signing up to a class. See our post on what to look out for when picking a dog trainer or a club. 

  1. Find a good vet

Finding a vet you like and trust is an important thing to consider doing before your puppy arrives.

You’ll need a vet for your puppy’s initial vaccinations and for regular checkups throughout his or her life. 

Being registered with a good vet means that if your pet should ever fall ill or be in an accident, you will have peace of mind knowing that they are in the best possible hands.

If you’ve never had a dog before, asking local friends and family for their recommendations can be a great place to start.



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